Visitor's Images for Grading Input
Images with Comment(s):
This section is for images to be posted after a visitor contacts me and attaches a JPEG file of the photo they wish to be shown. It is assumed that such a photo would be commented about by me and/or others. Realize please, that room is limited and so is time. After a while (depending on the number waiting to post), I'll remove a given image to replace it with another. I may add another such page or two depending on how things go. Basic details of condition should be included in the email describing the photo. I can post the person's email by the photo description, if requested, so others could make contact directly to the owner of the specimen being shown. The heading of the photo will serve as the identifying mark of the photo for reference (ex. "Papilio zalmoxis A1 or A1- of April 04, 2007"). A brief comment or question can fit as needed.